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Article - Reduce absenteeism



Reduce absenteeism dramatically - documented effect from several cases.

Ambitious Teams offers to tailor a workshop programme with the specific intent to reduce absenteeism in your your organisation.

Once we have identified the sources of the absenteism, Ambitious Teams delivers 3 workshops and 2 group coachings over the course of 3-6 months.

Ambitious Teams offer your HR-department to play a significant role in the process. It will be a joint success.

Reducer sygefraværet - Det selvbevidste team.
The self-aware team
1 day workshop

Every team member receives an Insights Profile that describes strengths, possible weaknesses, working style and much more.

Each person will increase their own self-awareness, and look at their unique colleagues in a respectful way,

Reduce absenteeism workshop teaser.
Reducér sygefraværet med gruppecoaching.
Group coaching
2 hours

In smaller team the learners will receive group coaching, without the presence of the leader.

Themes from the workshop will be revisited and put to action, but most importantly a warmhearted and constructive dialogue around the true reasons for absenteeism will be addressed.

Respektfuld kommunikation - Teamudvikling med Ambitious Teams.
Respectful communication
1 day workshop

On this workshop the learners practices respectful communication, or the specific theme in your organization.

In a positive and constructive way we focus on the solving core issues, and commit to a psychological contract for everyone involved.

Reducér sygefraværet med gruppecoaching.
Group coaching
2 hours

This group coaching focusses on commiting to responsability to create a work environment that is the best possible.

Stories of progress wil be shared, creating a positive vibe. Everyone makes a significant difference.

Reducér sygefraværet gennem Motiverende feedback.
Motivational feedback
1 day workshop

The learners receive tools for giving each other motivational feedback. Everyone will be motivated to realize a cultural change.

Feedback will be given on the topics important for reducing absenteeism.

Motivational feedback - workshop.

The workshop programs of Ambitious Teams will be tailored to your needs, but we build the solutions on core principles, valid psychometry, and the latest psychological research.

Specific case on reduced absenteeism and increased well-being.

"The psychiatry department in Region Midtjylland has been incredibly happy to collaborate with Ambitious Teams that has been forthcoming, inventive at all times and anchored our project in "Let us raise each other up". We had the ambition to decrease the absenteeism as well as roling out a cultural change process. With a curious approach, Ambitious Teams willingly designed and developed a process to meet our needs.

The process included a change in perception, mindset, habits and focus. In collaboration we established a best practice structure to reduce absenteeism, anchored in creating vibrant departments with a high degree of self-awareness. The learners had to be aware of how the signals they send are interpreted by their colleagues. The chosen departments participated on these three workshops with Tom Fisker Jørgensen:

1) The self-aware team

2) Respectful communication

3) Motivational feedback

All the workshops were adapted to the specific themes and issues of the respective departments. In between the workshops I delivered group coaching sessions, with the intent to anchor the learnings from the workshops. There are many contributing factors to the overall success of the programme: the willingness to collaborate in the departments, the collaborative spirit of the leaders, the engagement of the employees, and surely everybody's flexibility in a time a Covid 19.

But one of the desivey moments in the success was that we collaborated with Ambitious Teams to develop three workshop booklets containing themed exercises, easy-to-understand research, dilemmas and challenges. We were able to continue the specific learning in between the workshops, practicing daily the essential learnings. All the workshops were evaluated more than 9/10 by all the participants, often even higher yet.

Several departments show a dramatic decrease in absenteeism, an increase in the overall well-being, and the process is on-going.

I recommend Ambitious Teams as a collaborating partner, who is open for inputs, good at integrating visions, and who delivers on promises and so much more."

Project Manager, Anita Nørbjerg, Region Midtjylland


Aggregated workshop score.

Based on 1375 feedbacks from a total of 19 workshops held in 2021 for Region Midtjylland.

Evaluation of the workshop The selfaware team - March 2021

The aggregated scores below are based on 90 measure points.

References can be given upon request.

Just 3 quotes from the day:

"It was a really great day. Thanks!"

"Totally awesome day! We had an exciting gaze at the differences in our team. Really cool!"

"Exciting day within the team. I can definitely use the information in my future work."


Aggregated workshop score.

Results created when focussing on reducing absenteeism

The cases below have been anonymised due to GDPR, but references can be given upon request and with written consent from the client.

Evaluation of the workshop Respectful communication - Maj 2021

The aggregated scores below are based on 90 measure points.

References can be given upon request.


Aggregated workshop score 9,5.

Just 3 quotes from the day:

"Threre was a great atmosphere, good openness and safety."

"Great psychological safety during the whole day. I leave happy."

"You have to be engaged to reap the full benfits. I believe everyone was committed today."

Reduce absenteeism is a workshop programme that delivers outstanding results again and again.

Workshopprogrammer med garanteret positiv effekt.

Reduce absenteeism:

Is anchored in contemporary psychological research on absenteeism, and drop out rates. The theory is applied in the pre-analysis of your organisation, as well as integrated in the workshops as playful exercises, challenges and card games.

Is build on Kirk Patricks approach to learning, which lets the learners leave each workshop excited and engaged. Furthermore the approach ensures that the learners can and will put their insights into practice.

Is an inspiring and interactive programme that throughout has a positive approach to the learners and your organization. We discuss the future. We shape the best team possible. We create psychological safety and personal responsability.

Everyone is motivated to contribute with their part of the solution to reduce absenteeism.

Is supported by several workshop booklets that contains tools for reducing absenteeism. The booklets follow the learning progressively on the day, and is part of the learners' toolkit. Sometimes we opt to follow the team pace, which turns the exercises into challenges that the team leader kan deliver after the workshop. Reducing absenteeism is a process, not a one day fix.

Evaluation of the workshop Motivational feedback - June 2021

The aggregated scores below are based on 66 measure points.

References can be given upon request.



Just 3 quotes from the day:

"Thank you for your for sincere interest in our dilemmas and personalities."

"A super course. Thanks!"

"Again, a sharp eye on the individual as a facilitator. Tom, you gave me the acknowledgement, I needed."

Reduce absenteeism is a programme tightly bound

by tailored workshop booklets

The workshop booklets from Ambitious Teams

Every booklet is 40 page long and anchored in research on absenteeism and contemporary psychology.

Every booklet puts focus on unleashing the individual potential of the learners, so inclusion, thriving, a positive team spirit are created during the workshop.

The booklets make it possible for the team leader or the HR-department to follow up on commitments that reduce absenteeism. More even more important, it allows for everyone to continue the metacommunication on themes in the team.

Workshopbog - Individet i teamet - Ambitious Teams.
Personlig coaching
Respektfuldt samarbejde - workshopbog fra Ambitious Teams.
Motiverende feedback - workshopbog fra Ambitious Teams.

Outcome and effect of the workshop programme Reduce absenteeism

Every single learner...

Is brought to awareness about individual preferences and the reasons for absenteeism.
Will immediately be able to convert the training from the workshop the reduced absenteeism.
Leaves the programme with a positive mindset that brings respect to the team.
Will be motivated to increase the thriving and decrease the absenteesim in the team.

The team will seak to create the best possible organisation,

where everyone feels included and respected.

Reduce absenteeism invites the team leader to play an active role in the success

Boosters for the team leader

At the end of the workshop the teamleader receives a package of boosters for continual improvement of the team. The simple step to take is look at the boosters, nominate some ambassadors, and the start integrate high quality communication by playing some of the entertaining games around communication from the boosters package.

  • 5 specific exercises to run post workshop – with instructions.

  • 5 dilemmas for the team to solve on their own.

  • 5 challenges to engage the team in keeping up the new purposeful habits in communication.

And much more!

Boostere til teamlederen - Ambitious Teams.

The workshop contains specific psychological tools to reduce absenteeism, which you will receive at each workshop. In Ambitious Teams we call these tools Boosters.

The boosters will contribute to the ongoing decrease of absenteeism.

Reduce absenteeism

Af Tom Fisker Jørgensen

Ambitious Teams - Tom Fisker Jørgensen.

Reduce absenteeism - the good way

If you are dealing with a high degree of absenteeism in your company or organization, there is most likely something going on in your fundamental structures. You should get it checked.

Physical workrelated injuries and documented sick leave you can't do anything about as an employer, once the event has occured. But you can for sure minimize the risk for this to occur.

Reducing absenteeism usually takes a long time, because often at times you need to deal with what is in the woodwork, the bad habits that no one challenges anymore. They can be difficult to put a finger on, because they reside in your blind spots, in the working style, in the processes, yes in something as intangible as your culture.

Sygdom årsag til sygefravær.

The causes of absenteeism

Absenteeism will typically increase because of:

  • Sickness, especially caused by infections.
  • Sick relatives in need of care.

We can all be hit by misfortune and dreary life events. According to the statistics particularly on Mondays, where 34% of all absenteeism begins.

But some of the causes for increased absenteeism we need to look elsewhere if we want to find them:

  • Tough work pressure with excessive amount of tasks.
  • A high degree a psychological insecurity in the work environment.
  • Low self-esteem and low self-worth.
  • Bad personal relations between employees and leaders.

If just one person is affected by this, you can read about it in the absenteeism reports. It can also affect your body as stress. This way we go from absenteeism to longterm sick leave.

Improving the psychological work environment reduces absenteeism

Employees, who confim that they are working in a bad psychological environment, have on average more days away from work than those who experience thriving at work.

In addition, employees who report negative events on the job, such as bullying, quarelling, conflics, threats and violence also have a higher degree of absenteeism, that those who do not report such problems.

In particular, conflict of roles, low influence on own work content and bullying are the biggest reasons for short absenteeism. Women who attest having a low degree of influence on how and when they should work, have on average 48% higher risk of absenteeism in general.

The good news is that by improving the work environment you can both the short and long absenteeism.

Talenter tænker ud af boksen.

The National Research Center for Work Environment in Denmark mentions in their reports, that a low degree of leadership quality will have a significant negative impact on absenteeism. In other words, when hosting workshops that purport to reduce absenteeism one should be taking a closer look at the relations within the team.

Happiness at work

Employees who experience a high degree of joy when working are more creative, serviceoriented, capable of handling problems constructively and have a lower degree of absenteeism, than person who do not claim to find any pleasure in their work.

If you want to reduce absenteeism in your organization, Ambitious Teams recommmend that start by focusing on strengthening joyfulness and happiness at work. Make sure that everyone is conscious about the common effort it takes to reduce absenteeism - everyone needs to stretch.

Sometimes the solutions are right before your eyes. There is no need to make the troubles more complex than they are.

That is why Ambitious Teams starts with The Self-aware Team, a workshop that aims at reducing absenteeism, while at the same time increasing everyone ability to reflect upon their own actions and behaviour.

The Self-aware Team is a workshop that is involving, nudging and ground breaking, because the collected consciousness is requested to explore some of the sore topics in the team.

The authentic, courageous and vulnerable talks has three specific consequences:

  1. The psychological safety is increased and the voice of everyone is heard.
  2. The responsability for reducing absenteeism is put on everyones' shoulders, but just be asking for simple changes in behaviour. This has a huge positive impact on any team.
  3. The reduction of absenteeism is a common goal, not just something for management to take of.

Work joy is something we give each other, it has value and can't be taken for granted. Work joy asks you to stretch towards your collegues. The key element in Ambitious Teams' programme to reduce absenteeism consists in the unlocking of the individual motivation to accomodate that colleague who may be seen as an enemy.

Psykologisk tryghed.

The psychological safety

Nobody wants to go to work, and get the verdicts:

  • Not fast enough
  • Not good enough
  • Not likeable enough

Such a work-environment is draining fro the Ego in the long run, and it creates an strenuous climate.

On the other hand psychological safety creates an environment, where people can unfold their true opinions, without having to fear harsh sentences from the others. In stead of a battlefield the team is perceived as an oasis when psychological safety makes rules.

It was Amy Edmonson who in 1999 introduced the concepts of psychological safety. In her research and writings you will also find the notion of social sensitivity, a key component of psychological safety.

When every team member is oriented towards each other in a spirit of true curiosity and true intentions, the team moves in a positive direction. Why? Because everyone experiences that people truly care about

the well-being of each person present.

Creating psychological safety is a key moment in the ongoing reduction of absenteeism, and we address this on the workshop Respectful Communication, by making the individual feel heard, seen and understood as a whole human being.

The proactive colleague taking responsability

An elevated level of absenteeism is the responsability of everyone in the organization. We are all unique. This has the consequence that everyone experiences jokes, quick remarks, situational feedback uniquely.

A surprisingly high amount of people react with a bad day behaviour to micro signals from others: "Why didn't he smile, why did he ask me that question, why was I not asked, why didn't she look me in the eye, and why did she conveniently not answer my question?"

The devil in the detail can cause great harm in the long run for the individual. The devil being the unconscious habit that lives in the shadow of its owner. Shared self-awareness regarding our own behaviour is crucial for the reduction of absenteeism.

Allow me to provoke a bit. Most people, who are partly the cause of other peoples absenteeism, are happily unaware of their effect on other people.

If you wish to find out whether you are the indirect cause of other peoples absenteeism, then grab a flashlight and focus the beam on the situations where you have been intensely yourself without stretching towards the needs of those around you. In these situations others are often hurt by your actions... and you aren't even aware of it.

The workshop Motivational feedback creates a psychological safe work-environment through the strengthening and the development of honest and positive relations. Bringing each other to awareness and ending unintended bad bahaviours is the real goal. This is obtained by heartfelt, trusting dialogues during the workshop.

The reduction of absenteeism is reached by everyone contributing to connectedness, transparency and a forgiving atmosphere.

Personligt ansvar for sygefraværet.

The advantages of choosing Ambitious Teams for reduction of absenteeism

In Ambitious Teams we collaborate on finding the right solution for reducing absenteeism. No organizations are the same. Naturally both the structure and the content of the reduction of absenteeism can be discussed. If you have specific approaches that are important for you to integrate, we easily find a way to do so.

The advantages of choosing Ambitious Teams as your collaborative partner or preferred provider of reduced absenteeism:

  1. Ambitious Teams has a track record that proves clear reductions in absenteeism, directly linked to our programmes.
  2. Ambitious Teams has a best practice method to reducing absenteeism, but your values, strategies, reflections will be incorporated into the workshop booklets, powerpoints and flows of the workshops.
  3. Ambitious Teams' tools are psychologically valid and the exercises anchored in the newest psycholer psykologisk valide og øvelserne er forankret i den nyeste psykologiske forskning.
  4. Ambitious Teams' workshops are healing, inclusive and recomforting, aiming at creating motivation, thriving and connection. We heal the real causes for absenteeism in a positive way.
Ambitious Teams

Ambitious Teams ApS

Tom Fisker Jørgensen

Helenelyst 73

8220 Brabrand

Tlf: 0045 50699939


CVR: 41863846